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Transport Accident Commission

The Inner Cycle

Cyclists are some of our most vulnerable road users. A person riding a bike is 34 times more likely than a vehicle occupant to be seriously injured in a crash.

TAC promotes road safety for cyclists through various partnerships and sends a monthly eDM to cyclists, which tells them how they can protect themselves on the roads through relatable and engaging content.

‘The Inner Cycle’ campaign profiles the different types of cyclists on our roads, sharing why they ride and how they stay safe.


  • Story Producing
  • Production Management
  • Photography
  • Copywriting
  • Social Media Content
Sonya riding bike
Alwyn sitting down with coffee with bike leaning against bench in the background
Simon looking to the camera with coffee in hand
Ross' kids fitting their helmets before riding their bikes
Julian and his dad sitting at a cafe laughing and enjoying their coffee

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